13 FEB 2003

First Antiprohibitionist Conference for the Americas: 'Out from the shadows - Ending Drug Prohibition in the 21 Century' (first day, afternoon)

[NON DEFINITO] | - 00:00 Durata: 2 ore 41 min

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Merida, Mexico - February 13th 2003 - “Out from the Shadows, Ending Prohibition in the 21st Century” is a global series of conferences, connected with related efforts, to sharpen the call for repeal of drug prohibition and organize legalization supporters globally into a vigorous and visible movement.

Out from the Shadows has also been convened by the Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRCNet), also known as StopTheDrugWar.org and co-organized by Narconews.com, the newspaper Pro Esto, the Transnational Radical Party and the International Antiprohibitionist League.

In this audio video, you
can find statement by Don Andres Vasquez de Santiago, of the Indigenous National Congress of Mexico, and the interview with Marco Perduca, executive director of Lia, by Ugo Vallauri, a NarcoNews.com student .

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