02 NOV 2002

38th Congress of the TRP: Plenary - Afternoon - General debate

[NON DEFINITO] | - 00:00 Durata: 5 ore 10 min

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Tirana, november 2nd, 2002 - The genaral debat went on in the afternoon of the third day of Congress, during when few international hosts have brought their contribution, in particular there was the intervention of the Heath Minister legaly elected of Cecenia, Oumar Khanbiev.

Eventhouw the stop of the albanian government, he spoke in video-conference.

Registrazione di "38th Congress of the TRP: Plenary - Afternoon - General debate", registrato sabato 2 novembre 2002 alle 00:00.

L'evento è stato organizzato da Area radicale.

La registrazione ha una durata di 5 ore e 10 minuti.